Palmetto Hills is committed to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are honored to partner with the following missions and missionaries for the advance of Christ’s Kingdom.
The 1% Challenge
We are excited to be participating with Mission to the World to send 1% of our members (2 new long term missionaries) by the year 2030. Please pray with us about this challenge as we seek to heed God’s calling that each Christian be involved with the Great Commission.
Missionaries We Support
Mikael & Zuzanna Romer
Krakow, Poland
Mikael and Zuzanna met in grad school in Greenville in 2016 and married the following year. Zuzanna is from Poland and Mikael is from Finland. They have joined the MTW Team in Krakow, Poland to help with Ukrainian refugees. Long-term, they’d like to serve in Ukraine.
Keith & Rachel Knowlton
Scotland, UK
Keith preaches regularly in their local church as well as doing pulpit supply around Scotland. Rachel is working with the women’s ministry team. They also teach English lessons using the Bible – they have a group of students mostly from Hong Kong.
Debbie Richards
Debbie has been serving as a full-time missionary to the Japanese people since 2001. Debbie shares the Gospel through teaching English classes and serves two church plants as a pianist along with singing in a church choir.
Wes Baker
Trujillo, Peru
Wes plants churches in various areas across the region. Recently, two Peruvian pastors were installed as ministers. One will be preaching at the downtown church and the other will be ministering to university students. Pray that God would use them mightily for the spread of the gospel.
Alex and Eska
Southeast Asia
Alex and Eska both felt the call to reach out to Muslims in Southeast Asia even before they met. After years of teaching in Indonesia, they moved back to the US so Alex could pursue ordination to pastoral ministry. Their family has been called to serve and assist in planting local Presbyterian churches in Southeast Asia, assisting with evangelism, discipleship, leadership development, and theological training. Eska will help their children to thrive overseas, sharing her gifts of hospitality and cultural understanding with their team and church. They are also excited to begin a new Southeast Asian team and are looking for others who may be eager to join this work!