Our Mission

Celebrating Life in Christ by Reaching out and Building up for God’s Kingdom and Glory

In thinking about our mission, we look to answer some basic questions

Who – Celebrating Life in Christ

Our life in Jesus Christ is the heartbeat of who we are.  His Gospel is our cornerstone and foundation.  We are saved by grace.  We live by grace.  Christ’s life for us and in us is so wonderful that we aspire to celebrate our rebirth, forgiveness, adoption, freedom, and inheritance.  Our identity in Christ informs and fuels our lives.

What – Reaching Out and Building Up

Our aim is to reach people for Christ and to build them up in Him.  We believe these goals reflect the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

Why – For God’s Kingdom and Glory

Our desire is this – all that we are and all that we do – for the kingdom and glory of God.  Our mission and vision is bigger than us.  It’s part of an everlasting kingdom and the glory and honor belong to God our King! 

How – Celebrating Life in Christ

Our focus – life in Christ.  Our preaching and teaching is centered around the Gospel.  One pastor has said the Gospel is not just the “ABC’s” of the Christian life, it’s the A-Z of the Christian life.  We hone in on Scripture, Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification relying on the Holy Spirit to change and transform us and others.  Our motor for ministry is not our hard work or the newest fad.  It’s our Union with Christ and his Gospel grace for us.